Your body, mind and soul were designed to act as one. Connect the three and you
will align with the life of your dreams. — Roxana Jones
So - we are still in the middle of a pandemic, work has you frazzled, maybe there has been a hurricane or two traveling your way, the summer is winding down and maybe you are feeling a little frazzled? These are the times when you realize the importance of balance and feeding your body, mind, and soul.
Let’s keep it super simple this week! I would love to challenge you to pick one or two things from each section of the list - Body, Mind and Soul - to add to your daily or weekly schedule. The best part of adding in these nourishing activities is that once you begin doing them, they can easily become a natural part of your schedule.
Ready? Get set. Go!
Drink 2 liters of water
Drink a cup of green tea
Make yourself a healthy meal
Do a pamper yourself day
Go for a walk
Do a new exercise
Get a good nights sleep
Do a body scan - slowly and mindfully so that you can check in with each part of your body to see how you are doing
Give someone a bear hug
Get a massage
Take a warm bath
Go outside barefooted and squish your toes in the grass
Get up and dance
Watch someone inspirational
Watch a documentary
Research a new topic
Complete an activity that you have been putting off
Clear out emails
Read a book that helps you grow
Do a technology cleanse
Write a list of your accomplishments
Listen do an uplifting podcast
Slim down your social media by getting rid of or unfollowing accounts that don’t make you feel good
Make a forgiveness list
Think about what stresses you
Create a morning routine
Write a letter to your future self
Be creative
Create a new evening routine
Set goals
Positive affirmations
Watch the sunrise or sunset
Start a gratitude journal
Write yourself a love letter
If you live near the ocean, sit and listen to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore
Spend quality time with family and friends
Create time to be alone
Have a great week! Make sure to feed your body, mind and soul!